
Cat Sleeping In The Litter Box-Causes And Solutions

Cats show several unusual behaviors that are sometimes confusing and worrisome for the new cat parents. One of these abnormal behaviors is sleeping in the litter box. If someone asks you, "can you sleep in your bathroom place, your answer will be "not in normal circumstances". The same is with your cat; if she is sleeping in her litter box, then circumstances are not typical. Your cat may be at serious risk related to health if she is showing this type of behavior.

The cute litter box will discuss reasons of cat sleeping in the litter box and solutions to stop this car behavior.

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how to train the cat for using litter box

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Why is a cat sleeping in the litter box?

Some cats sleep in the litter box due to their habits or preference. If your cat does it often, then there is no health problem, it is her preference only. But if your cat changes her behavior suddenly, then there might be a health issue with her.

Cats sleep into the litter box due to the following reasons.


When a cat is sick, she needs to go to the bathroom more than usual; then, she will choose to live near the litter box or in the box. By doing so, she can avoid running or urinating outside the box. If you see that your cat is sleeping in the box, then pay extra attention to note

  • Urinating more than usual
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Difficulty in walking 

If you note all these signs it means that your cat is sick; if you see the unusual color of stool, then you should immediately consult the veterinarian.

Keep in mind that this sudden change in behavior may lead to severe diseases such as diabetes or kidney failure.


Some cats start to sleep in the litter box because they consider themselves comfortable and safe there. It often happens if you have more than one litter box or litter box is always clean. Cats love cleanliness; they prefer to sleep in the box if it is clean. No matter how much you keep the litter box clean and hygiene, some bacteria can cause serious health problems to your cat. Therefore, try your best to keep your cat away from the litter box after doing her business.


A stressed cat often uses the litter box as her sleeping place as she considers it a safe place for her. Different factors can stress a cat; any change in its daily routine, the arrival of a new family member can stress the cat. She shows nervousness, aggressiveness, and susceptible signs that she never showed before.

In this situation, she finds the place which is isolated and has less traffic; we often place the litter box in a lonely place in the house, so; cats prefer it for sleeping and to disconnect.

If a cat feels any threat, then she often finds a safer place, and there is no safer place for her than her litter box; it may also be the reason that your cat starts sleeping in the litter box.


Cats are territorial animals, and they are susceptible to their places. When a new family member arrives, cats feel their resources threatened, so try to protect them, especially their litter box. It can change the emotional stability of the animals, although it is normal behavior. 

Some cats can share their resources peacefully, but some prefer their privacy and do not like to share their litter box with any other companion. In this situation, to show her territoriality, cats often sleep in the litter box. You have to buy a litter box for each cat in this condition.


Your cat starts to sleep in the litter box if she is expecting. Cat spends a lot of her time in the litter box when she is pregnant; it means she is looking for a place to have her litter well.

Cat wants the place for her litters, which is isolated from the house and has less traffic. The litter box is an isolated and comfortable place in the house where she feels as well as her offspring happy and safe.

How to stop the cat from sleeping in the litter box

Visit the veterinarian 

If your cat has suddenly started sleeping in the litter box, then she must have a severe health issue, you should immediately consult the veterinarian to rule out any health problem.

There are also some other tips to avoid your cat from sleeping inside the litter box.

Provide a litter box to each cat

If you have more than one cats, then buy a litter box for every cat because cats do not want to share their boxes, and to keep their privacy, they often sleep in their litter boxes to show their territoriality.

Comfortable and safe sleeping places

Provide your cat with different safe places to sleep, where she can sleep comfortably and happily. Place several cardboard or blankets on the secure shelves; it will be an excellent place for your cat to sleep and prevent her from sleeping inside the box.

Synthetic pheromones

If your cat is nervous, provide her some synthetic pheromones to make her calm. These are administered by the Feliway brand, which is effective for keeping the felines calmer and comfortable.

Note general behavior of the cat

Pay extra attention to the practice of cat and notice a change in its response, observe:

  • Is she drinking less water or more?
  • Eating habits
  • Loss of hair
  • Color of feces and urine
  • Is it biting or rejecting you

If you see any changes in cat's behavior, then consult the veterinarian. It may be a sign of a severe illness.

Progressive change in your house

If you are thinking of making any changing in your home, then make it progressively. Because a sudden change in the home can threaten the cat, and she can feel insecure. A progressive change in the house makes the cat familiar with the new setting, and she can adjust easily.

Final verdict

Cats start sleeping in their litter box due to several reasons. No matter what the reason is, if your cat is sleeping in litter box then its an alarming situation for you and can cause serious health related issues to your cat. You can stop your cat sleeping in litter box by diagnosing and treating her health problem or by following the tips mentioned above.