
How To Train The Cat For Using Litter Box

Last Updated:27 July 2020 | By Donna Huff

Adopting a cat is one of the enjoyable experiences which life has to offer. These furry and soft kitties are amiable and very loyal to the ones they love. With the joy of owning a cat, some minor misfortunes also come with the cat, one of them is cleaning their mess.

Cats make your day harder when they start to poop under the bed, in the laundry, or on the kitchen floor. It is unpleasant to see the mess scattered all over the kitchen floor; it is often happening although you have a litter box too for your kitty, if your cat cannot use the litter box, she eliminates mess on the floor. Cats are usually tidy animal which has a strong instinct to bury their wastes; it makes the training of the litter box easy. But sometimes a well-trained cat can forget to use the litter box due to any issue, and then there is a need to train the cat for using the box.

Cute litter box will discuss some tips on how to train the cat for using litter box, which makes the training process a breeze.

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How to train a cat for using a litter box

By following the steps listed below, you can make your kitty routine to use the litter box for doing her business.

Choose the right litter box

Getting the right litter box for your kitty is very significant because the leading cause of your cat eliminating outside that the box is too small for the cat. Cats want a roomy and comfy space to do their business, but a small size box cannot provide them enough space so, they poop outside the box. Choose a large size box for your kitty to offer her a spacious place.

If you have an older cat, then choose the box which has low sides wall, for the easy entry and exit of the cat.

Decide either covered litter box is suitable or uncovered

Covered and uncovered litter box both have many advantages and some disadvantages. You have to choose the box according to your kitty’s preference.

Some cats are shy and want complete privacy to do their business; for this type of cats, the covered litter box is the best choice. Covered litter boxes keep the odors inside the box, which is unpleasant for the cat, and she may refuse to use it again.

If you have a giant cat, you can use a covered litter box by removing its hood; it will keep the litter inside the box as well as provides a comfy zone to your cat to do her business.

Keep more than one box

If your cat is still learning the process or you have more than one cat, then you can keep two even three litter boxes if you have sufficient space in your house. It helps in learning of the cats. But some experts say that it is not necessary to keep more litter boxes. If you have a single cat, then one box is more than enough.

Find an excellent location in the home

Always place the litter box on the place which is easily accessible by the cats; otherwise, they can eliminate anywhere in the house.

  • Make the litter box more convenient and accessible for the cats, to make it easy for her to find the litter box; you can place the box at more than one place.ment
  • Never set the litter box near the area where you give your cat food or water. Cats always want their eliminating area away from the site of their feeding; they consider their feeding site as a sort of home within the home. If you place the litter box near it, then they find the place to urinate, which is away from this site instead of the box.
  • Place the box in a low traffic corner because cats want a quiet and undisturbed place to do their business. Give your cat a quiet and small traffic area for relieving, which is easily accessible. 

Choose the right litter

Always choose the litter which your cats like more. Most of the cats want clumping litter because it is more comfortable and makes it easy for the cat to bury the wastes.

Some cats want unscented litter because perfumed or deodorized litter may irritate the cats, and they refuse to use it again.

Use the right amount of litter

If you use plenty of litter, it can create a mess because when the cat bury the wastes, some litter kicked and spilled out the box, which scatters on the floor and makes it look dirty. If you add insufficient litter, then it may also create an odor problem. Therefore, add a sufficient amount of litter to control the spilling and odors.

  • Some experts recommend 2 inches litter box and some 4 inches to allow your cat a little more freedom to bury her wastes.
  • Start adding the litters from 2 inches, if you feel your cat is uncomfortable then, add more litter.

Keep the litter box clean

A tidy and clean litter box is very significant to train your cat to use a litter box because the cat wants their eliminating area always clean. If it is dirty or smelly, then cats find another place in the house to eliminate using the box instead.

Teaching the cat to use the litter box

Learn the cat’s schedule

For preparing the cat to use the litter box, first of all, it is necessary to learn her relieving schedule. Usually, cats relieve after getting a nap, after playing or running around, or after eating. It will help you to determine her relieving time so you can direct him toward the litter box instead of sofa or laundry.

Play with your cat near the box

Most of the cats need to eliminate after playing and running around. You can facilitate this process by playing with your cat near the box. By this activity, she will feel the need of eliminating, and you can direct it to the litter box placed nearby.

  • If you have set the litter box in the room, then close the door and remain with her in the room and bring some of her toys to play and chase on them until she needs to eliminate.

Teach her what to do

If your cat never learned from the mother to use a litter box, then you may teach the cat how to use a litter box. You might carry her to the box when she is about to eliminate and tell how to dig and bury the litter.

  • In the starting, as your cat does not know how to dig the litter, you can use your finger to scrap some litter aside until she learns by example. If your cat does not know about burying the wastes, then scoop the litter with your finger on the top of her wastes. Eventually, she will learn that you expect her to master these habits.
  • When you are teaching your cat to dig and bury the wastes, it is essential to use your finger, use your two fingers to do this task.
  • Never grab his paw to teach him how to dig or bury; it may frighten or irritate the cat. Be patient and trust that eventually, your cat will learn the digging and hiding on his own.

Never yell at your cat

Keep in mind that if your cat is not using the litter box correctly, she is not doing it to tease you; she may be experiencing some problem with the litter box, like some medical issue or size of the litter box. Yelling and scolding will only make her fearful of you but will do nothing to solve her eliminating problems. 

Put wastes in the litter box

If your cat eliminates outside, then instead of throwing the scraps in the trash bin, pick the wastes with a paper towel and put it back into the litter box, it will act as a reminder for the cat that she has to relieve in the box. The waste smell will lead her to relieve in the box.

Clean out of the box waste thoroughly

If your cat has eliminated out of the box, on a rag, or a piece of furniture, immediately clean it entirely because once the cat smells her waste on a particular area, she will associate this area with excreting wastes.

You can use different enzyme-based cleaner to reduce the smell of urine and poop from the rag and furniture.

Keep cat’s food and water near the problem area

If your cat is continuously using a spot to excreting wastes, then put her food and water near this place. Cats avoid eliminating near their food and water area, so by doing so, you can stop the cat from relieving outside the box. 

Final verdict

By following these all steps, you can change the behavior of your cat of eliminating outside the box. Understand the reason why your cat is not using the box; you may train her well by adopting some of her habits and paying extra attention.