Your kitten is still learning.

How To Litter Train A Kitten Without Mother

Last Updated:20 April 2022 | By Donna Huff

Cats the feline friends, no doubt, are the best companions but they need some training to live in the human world. No matter how cute and soft these kittens are, nobody wants to see their potty on the floor or couch. Therefore, it is necessary to train them for using the litter box.

Training the kitten for using the litter box is much easier than the puppies. Most of the kittens that are above eight months have the sense to use the litter box, but younger kittens need your help for using the litter box.

Cute litter box will discuss how to litter train a kitten without mother.

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How to litter train a kitten without mother

Preparation of the kittens can be done in the following steps:

Introduce the litter box


You can help your kitten to use the litter box by placing him in the litter box at regular intervals. As your kitten eat something or awakes from sleep, put him in the litter box and see what happens. Most of the kittens of age five months start digging the sand or litter. If your kitten is not able, then gently hold the kitten’s paw and scratch the litter with it. 

Provide him some privacy as cats are shy to do their business in front of others. Appreciate the kittens with a treat if he uses the litter box correctly and do not yell if he refuse.

Choose the right litter box


Make sure that you have a suitable number of litter boxes, keep at least one litter box for one cat. Most of the cats do not like to share their litter box with others. Kittens are smaller in size; therefore, smaller litter boxes are ideal for them to enter without jumping. For this purpose, open litter box or disposable litter box are best for the kittens as they are not too high, and kittens can quickly enter them. 

Keep the litter box clean

Cats love cleanliness; if your litter box is dirty or smelly, then there are maximum chances that your kitten can refuse to use the litter box, keep the litter box clean by using some cleaning enzymes. Wash the litter box after a week and pour some baking soda in the base to reduce the odors and germs.

Choose the right litter


The essential thing that you must consider is the litter, note which litter is best for your kitten. The experts often recommend clumping litter because it does not stick with the kitten’s paws. Choosing a litter depends on the preference of the kitten. Ensure which type of litter your pet prefers. The thickness of the litter is also an important fact to consider. Note how much thickness your kitten wants and add the litter according to the pet’s requirements.

Final verdict

It is effortless to train the kitten for using the litter box without mother, but consistency is required. If you choose the right litter box, place it at a proper location and keep it clean, then it is simple to teach the kitten to use the litter box.