what foods are high in taurine for cats

What Foods Are High In Taurine For Cats

As a cat parent, seeing your beloved pet weak and ill is heartbreaking. If the weakness is due to a lack of essential nutrients, it hurts more. Cats are susceptible animals; they need many nutrients to stay healthy and active. Taurine is one of them. It is an essential nutrient for a cat’s health. It is an amino acid that the cat’s body cannot produce, so you must provide it in the food.

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What is Taurine

Taurine is the most crucial amino acid necessary for the healthy operation of a cat's heart muscle, eyes, digestive system, and reproductive system. Cats, unlike other mammals, require this amino acid's presence in their bodies. Unfortunately, cats' bodies cannot produce enough taurine from other amino acids to maintain proper function. A taurine deficiency can harm your cat's health and lead to blindness, heart or growth issues, and nervous system deficiencies.

Benefits of Taurine for your cat's health

Benefits of Taurine for your cat's health

Because taurine is a crucial ingredient, it must be present in all commercial cat food. This amino acid is naturally present in proteins of natural origin, not proteins that have been artificially created. It also has additional health advantages for cats:

It has antioxidant properties. It controls the amount of salt and water in every cell in the body. It promotes muscle development. Bile production is aided. It performs the role of a neurotransmitter. It is a good thing to have it in the eye's retinal cells.

Deficiency of taurine in cat food

A taurine deficiency can eventually result in serious health problems for your cat because taurine is essential to many regular metabolic processes. Cats with taurine deficiencies may experience serious issues, including: 

  • A weak immune system makes illness recovery more complex.
  • Low energy - Energy levels are impacted by nutritional deficiencies Feline.
  • An enlarged heart is a symptom of dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). digestion issues -
  • Diarrhea or vomiting Feline Degeneration of the central retina (FCRD) -
  • A progressive loss of vision reproduction problems -
  • Infertility or having kittens that are underweight at birth and have developmental delays.
  • Taurine influences blood sugar levels, and taurine deficiency may result in feline diabetes.
  • Unhealthy, dry skin and coat If taurine levels are low, your cat's fur could become flaky and dry.
  • Dental problems - Tartar buildup, cavities, and bad breath.

Foods rich in taurine

The best way to supplement taurine is through a healthy diet. The amino acid can be obtained from sources of animal protein. However, we always advise using organic products to get protein while still being kind to animals and the environment and getting high-quality food simultaneously—your cat needs between 200 and 300 mg of taurine with each meal. 


Taurine is abundant in chicken, particularly the legs. The liver is also excellent. Because taurine is present in the muscle, avoid giving your cat any chicken fat or skin. 


Beef heart, typically quite large and containing high amounts of taurine, is also a cost-effective option. 


The fact that taurine vanishes is crucial to understand. Ensure that some foods are raw as a result. Before giving them to your pet, don't forget to wash them and handle them carefully. Additionally, ensure the food is of high quality and comes from a reliable source. 

Dairy products and eggs 

Both have significant taurine content. 


Compared to other animal proteins, shrimp and clams contain even more of this amino acid. These are great foods for your pet to eat because they provide the right amount of taurine.


Although lamb doesn't contain quite as much taurine as most other poultry and beef, if you have, you can still give it to your cat. Feed your cat the dark meat of the lamb, not the light meat, just like you would with poultry.



Fish Taurine is frequently found in fish, which is why it is a common ingredient in cat foods. It offers additional nutritional advantages for your cats. as it has high-fat content, you shouldn't overfeed fish to cats. Instead, feed fish just once or twice per week.


The amount of taurine in shellfish is insane. Shrimp and clams contain the most taurine of all the varieties of shellfish. While krill and scallops also contain a respectable amount of taurine, they don't have as much as the other types of shellfish mentioned. We don't advise shellfish compared to the other meat options on this list simply because, aside from the taurine, it doesn't provide many nutritional advantages for cats. In addition to taurine, the other protein sources have a variety of dietary benefits.