
How To Make Your Cat Happy

Have you a soft, fluffy friend in your home and want to make her happy? If yes, then you are on the right place. 

There is a common myth that cats are self-reliant, and do not need anything special to live happily. It is not true, give your cat a little time to enrich its environment and see how much happier cat you have.

You will have to change a little in your daily routine, and house decor, and it will stimulate your kitty. She needs to keep her engaged when you are way and a great bonding when you are together. You should learn how you can keep your pet healthy and happy in life as possible.

Cute litter box will discuss some ways to keep your cat happy and healthy.

Feed your cat well


The right diet is essential for the well being of the cat. In domesticated cats, obesity is a common problem; therefore, when you are looking for the food in a favorite pet store, make sure that it is quality wise best and healthy for the cat.

  • For the quantity, read the instructions on the food pack carefully. Sometimes the manufacturer overestimates the amount of food, in this situation, you can interpret the right amount by observing the cat losing or gaining the weight. If she is gaining weight, then reduce the quantity of the food.
  • If you do not know which brand is best for your cat then consult with its veterinarian, he will tell you the right option.
  • Be careful about treat; cats always want their excellent food and will beg for their favorite piece of fish, give them a gift once in a while to avoid them from obesity.
  • Don’t leave meat and fish opened on the cabin when you are not in the room, they may end their life in your kitty’s belly.

Keep your cat healthy

Cats can adapt illness from outside and some time inside the house. Therefore, it is necessary to bring your cat to the vet at least twice a year.

  • In several countries, it is necessary to neuter your cats to control the feline population.
  • Regularly ask for the regular worming and flea treatment, especially for those cats that spend most of their time outside the house, your cat will be so unhappy if she spends most of his time in scratching.
  • Chipped your pet by its veterinarian, it will save your time if the animal is lost, you can easily find her location and can reach at her effortlessly.
  • Look for some symptoms, including weight loss, lack of energy, aggressive behavior, eye infections, limp, and dirty ears.

Keep its environment clean

Cats are the animals that always want their surroundings clean and tidy. They have sharp senses and can sense the smell which human cannot. Cat’s smell-sensitive behavior requires a clean environment to be happy.

  • Never wash your cat; they can keep themselves clean and will engage in a lengthy routine to be odor-free. Only wash the pets when they are dirty or come in connect with a harmful product.
  • Keep the litter box clean and tidy always. It is the nature of the cat that they like a clean litter box. So to make your cat happy, keep her litter box perfectly clean.

Pet your cat


Cats want a strong bonding with their owners. Try to talk to your cat and cuddle it twice a day. Most of the cats love it when you stroke them behind the ears, on both sides of the nose, or under the chin.

  • Ensure to stroke the cat from the forehead to the tail. Never go against the lie of the fur of the cat; most of the cats hate it.
  • Do not touch the cat’s tail and paws; she hates it.
  • The cat may allow you to stroke its belly if she trusts you. If she does let then never touch, it may stress the animal.
  • Cats do not like to touch them for a long time if she shows a sign of stress and then immediately stop the touching. 
  • Teach your child to stroke the cat with love and slowly don’t stroke quick. Otherwise, the cat can scratch if she gets threatened.

Give your cat freedom

Cat wants their private place where she feels happy. Do not interact with the pets in their area and allow them to do their things. Provide a space in the house where children cannot harass the cat.

  • Cat’s personal space should not be too big. Cats love compact spaces like cardboard, where they can take a nap calmly.
  • Grow a plant of cat grass near the cat’s place. This particular plant helps them to boost their digestive system and does not trigger the vomiting, as garden grass does.
  • Buy a basket for your cat; make sure that it is easy to clean because it becomes dirty and smelly with the time.
  • Allow your cat to look at the window because cats love to see the birds and people.

Provide entertainment


Provide your cat some entertainment to keep her engaged when you are away, or in the office. You can buy plenty of cat’s toys from a pet shop to keep your kitty busy. When you are at home, play with the cat, it will increase your bonding as well as enhances the exercise of the cat.

  • You can make your own cat toys too, hang a piece of string with the door handle and let your cat go wild.
  • Offer a ball to the cat; she will chase it as a mouse.
  • Provide a scratching post to your cat; otherwise, your cat may scratch your couch.
  • Point a laser or flashlight on the floor, your cat will try to catch it and will get very excited.

Adopt another cat

The cat can live well on its own but also enjoys a company. If you work for a long time or away from home for more hours in a day, then you can take another cat if you have space and energy. Before adopting another cat ,do not forget to neuter them; otherwise, you will soon have a feline army in your house.

  • The cat will display the hostility at first. Keep other cat isolated for some time, and then it gets used to the room. The resident cat will not see the other cat but will be able to smell it.
  • Introduce both the cats during feeding time, but keep the feeding boxes isolated and opposite 
  • After a few days, let them meet but also monitor them. If there is any aggression, immediately separate both the cats and repeat the same procedure the next day.


Allow your cat to go out


If you have garden space outside your house, then allow your cat to go outside, it will make the cat happier. Cat enjoys the outside, and it will keep her healthy and fit.

First few days, follow your cat and do not allow her to go so far. If you have a busy road near your house, then take extra care because cats do not show severe behavior next to the cars. Look at the other cats. Maybe they consider your garden their territory and can harm your cat.

Final verdict

Cats, although they can live on their own, they need your attention. You can make your feline friend happier by keeping her place clean as well as playing with her and providing a source of entertainment.