How to clean cats teeth naturally

How To Clean Cats Teeth Naturally

It is quite essential to keep the teeth of your pets clean to maintain their overall health because if care is not taken in this regard, it might lead to severe issues in your pet cats as well. Cats use teeth for tearing of food and also for defense purposes. Therefore, teeth should be protected from plaque, tartar, germs, and bacteria. If the plaque becomes hard, tartar is formed, which can result in gingivitis and can cause loss of the tooth. Bad breath of your cat is a clear indicator of dental disease.

Tooth decay and building up of tartar are commonly observed in cats. Cats can also get Periodontal disease, which is related to gums. 

There are various natural methods which can opt-in order to keep your pet's mouth neat and clean, but it is vital to do regularly.

Nutrition plays a vital role in keeping cats teeth and gums healthy which ultimately has a positive impact on their health. As we all know the toothaches, soaring of gums, rotting of teeth are not bearable, yet dental care is overlooked in pets. Dental problems in cats can lead to other medical diseases, such as heart, kidney and liver diseases. These diseases in pets may be fatal. So, if your pet is in discomfort, then it is recommended to look inside the mouth of pets as cats don't make any fuss even in extreme pain and distress and consult a veterinarian if required as soon as possible.

Cute litter box will discuss how to clean cats teeth naturally.

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Natural ways to keep teeth of cat clean without brushing

Chewing of Bones

The provision of raw bones will not only aid in cleaning the teeth of your cat but it is also a good source of calcium. Bones also remove tartar from teeth but make sure that bones don't have any splinters. Splinters are found in bones of fish and pork. Avoid feeding of cooked bones to your cat because it can lead to severe injuries for ingestion.

Change of Diet

Diet provided should be full of nutrients. Nutritious food includes meat and foods which is devoid of colors and preservatives. Diet should be enriched with natural ingredients, enzymes, and supplements. Wild cats get feed on raw animal's flesh and bones and in this way their teeth are cleaned naturally, but this is not the case with the domesticated cats because they have to feed on prepared food. Feeding of cats on unnatural and processed food is an essential cause for the developing of different dental issues. If being the owner of pets, it is difficult for you to feed your cat/pets on raw food, then the cat can be provided with a raw bony piece of meat for example neck and wings of chicken. Few cats don't like whole parts , so they can be crushed before feeding. The provision of meaty raw bones alone is not the way to keep their teeth clean, but it can be supplemented with other methods.

Provision of dental food

Beside changing of diet, dental food can be provided. Care must be taken while giving dental food that it must not contain any toxic materials; rather, it must-have natural ingredients.

Some of the natural products contain herbs which activate enzymes in the mouth of your pets, resulting in more production of saliva. Saliva helps in softening the tartar, eventually leading to coming off tartar. Essential oils and extracts of seeds also play a crucial role in breaking down of tartar.

Usage of water additives and gels

Gel can be applied directly to the teeth of your cat daily after making sure that teeth are undergoing through the decay process. Water additives also play a pivotal role in keeping teeth clean, but it is not as effective as the gels are.

Dental toys

Plague can be scrubbed off when your cat is chewing and playing with dental toys. Dental toys prevent your cat from infections and diseases of gums as these toys stimulate and massage gums of your cats. 

Dental wipes 

This option provides excellent results than other options, and it is also not a convenient one. Dental wipes are used by wrapping it on your finger and then moving on teeth of the cat the same as you use to brush teeth. The usage of dental wipes requires training, and it takes a lot of time.

Dental treats

Cats love to eat treats that have dental benefits as well. Dental treats are available in different flavors, such as chicken, salmon, catnip and tuna flavors. Gifts play an important role in controlling tartar build-up. However, dental treats alone are not enough/sufficient to clean teeth. Dental treats are devoid of by-products of meat instead of real meat is used. Another positive impact of usage of dental treats is that this foodstuff also freshens up the breath of your cat.

Coconut Oil

Lauric acid is present in coconut oil which has anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory attributes. It is effective against plague and gingivitis. One teaspoon/pound of body weight is recommended dose which should be administered daily. Coconut oil can be applied directly to teeth and gums of your cat, or it can be used by mixing with the food of your pet. Oil can be administered in liquid as well as in solid form because the melting point of the oil is quite low.


Most of the pet owners don't pay attention to dental hygiene until the health of pet starts to get worse. It is quite mandatory to clean the teeth of cats on a regular basis. There are several measures that can be adapted to clean teeth which don't involve brushing teeth, but one can also clean them by brushing. Care must be taken while cleaning teeth of kittens because they are sensitive. Hygiene is an essential attribute to be maintained in pets. One thing you should keep in mind while using different products,make sure that the Veterinary Oral Health Council must approve the products you are about to purchase or use.