Cat is scared of the automatic litter box.

Cat Is Scared Of The Automatic Litter Box

An automatic cat litter box makes your life easier; there is no need to scoop your cat litter no more. It is relaxing for you, but what if your feline buddy refuses to use it because she is afraid of it? Some take time and need assistance to get used to their new bathroom. Therefore, don't panic when your kitty is scared of her new litter box. You can make her used to with some simple techniques.

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How to help the scared cat to use an automatic litter box

Bring the cat a brand-new automatic litter box.

Bring the cat a brand-new automatic litter box.

Take the litter pan outside after purchasing the litter box so the cat can inspect and sniff it. Cats are observant animals. They are constantly curious about whether or not something will be dangerous. If you bring the litter box to them, you reduce their fear,

And they quickly conclude that there is nothing to be afraid of. Remember that the cat will need time and encouragement to realize that it is a litter box, so be patient. 

Place the automatic litter box right on the place of the old litter box.

Move the new litter box next to the old one for a few days. Could you not turn it on or plug it in? Making the cat feel at ease is the primary objective here. Most importantly, so that the cat can investigate and examine it further. If your cat consistently uses the old litter box with no issues or if they no longer care about the new litter box. Continually move forward. 

Select the correct type of automatic litter box

There are many brands and features to choose from when looking for the best intelligent litter box. But you must select the appropriate kind of self-cleaning litter box, whether covered or uncovered, to improve your chances of teaching your cat to use an automatic litter box.

Allow your cat to examine the automatic litter box.

Cats frequently become frightened when they come across strange objects in the home. Some cats are terrified of the new thing that they will not even enter a room. As a result, after making a self-cleaning box purchase, you should wait a day or two before assembling it so your cat can become accustomed to its scent and shape. 

Allow your cat to examine the automatic litter box.

Just let your cat inspect the parts and the litter tray. It won't take long for cats to come and investigate because they are naturally curious animals.

Add Their Scent

Cats are territorial, so they prefer to leave their scent behind on everything in their territory. They will naturally be leery of anything new that appears unexpectedly in the house and doesn't smell like them. Cats frequently rub their bodies against objects to leave their scent behind. However, if they strongly dislike things with strange smells, they might avoid them altogether. If so, you can use their scent to identify the new box for them. Put some of the litter from your cat's old box right into the new one as a super-smart way to get them to use their new automatic litter box.

Additionally, you can rub a blanket that your cat uses to sleep on the outside of the box to add their scent to it and make them feel more at ease around it. They'll assume the Automatic litter box belongs to them and them alone if there are even a few of their coat's oils left.

Take Off The Hood

Take Off The Hood

Many automatic litter boxes have an enclosed, hooded design. This design has a modern home aesthetic, minimizes tracking, and contains unpleasant odors until the self-cleaning procedure is finished. However, suppose your cat isn't accustomed to using a hooded box.

In that case, this could be a significant adjustment for them. Every cat is unique; some prefer hooded boxes because they provide more privacy for hiding, while others favor an open area where they can observe their surroundings. 

Reward Positive behavior

Dogs are much simpler to train than cats. All felines will, however, pay attention in exchange for treats. You can use goodies in one of two ways to motivate your cat to use the automatic litter box and to praise them when they do. Put a treat next to or behind the litter box if your cat completely avoids it.

Reward Positive behavior

It will encourage them to investigate it more closely to overcome their fear of approaching it. You can try putting a treat inside the panel or at the entrance if they are investigating the area around the box but aren't using it. Treat your pet for being well-behaved once they begin using the litter box. Maintain consistency.

What to do if these techniques do not work

The only explanation is that it might not prepare your cat for the change. However, not all is lost. You can try either of the two options. Leave the old litter box alone. The likelihood is that your cat will select a clean litter box over one that is dirty. Your cat will be encouraged to use the new device by this. Once more, be sure to praise your cat for his progress.

You can take out the previous litter box later. This approach may occasionally backfire, forcing the cat to relieve himself on the floor.

Purchase some Cat Attract litter.

If none of this worked, you would have to start the process from scratch.