how to keep fleas out of the litter box

How To Keep Fleas Out Of The Litter Box

Cats are susceptible animals and are prone to many infections and pest infestations. If your cat is grooming excessively or having red patches on the skin, in that case, your cat is suffering from flea infestation. If you have a flea-free home and cannot find the root cause of flea infestation, it is time to look thoroughly at your cat's litter box. Yes, a cat litter box is a favorite place for fleas to breed. Your cat may get fleas quickly from the litter box. 

If your kitty's litter box has fleas, you must get rid of these nasty pests as soon as possible. Cutelitterbox has discussed how to keep fleas out of the litter box.

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Adams Flea and Tick Home Spray

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Are fleas able to survive in cat litter?

Fleas can indeed live in cat litter and make it their home. These blood-sucking parasites make their way into your cat's fur to survive. They deem it very acceptable after landing on a skin location; they begin sucking blood. They survive by draining their host's blood. They spend their lives on your cat, eating, eliminating, and reproducing in a vicious cycle. 

Fleas are the first to multiply. A female flea should lay 10 to 50 eggs every day on your cat's coat in the ideal situation. The eggs mostly fall into the litter box, carpet, or furniture. Flea eggs complete their incubation, hatch, and transform into adults once drooped into the kitty's warm litter. The eggs hatch into flea larvae in 10 days, settling deep into the seat cushions and litter box. They eat the detritus from adult flea feces at this stage. The flea larvae spin a cocoon and mature into the pupal stage a week later. Adult fleas will emerge from these cocoons after that. The fleas remain in the cocoons until ideal conditions emerge, depending on the environment.

Fleas in the litter box: How to Spot Them

Fleas in the litter box: How to Spot Them

Fleas come in various colors, including black, brown, and reddish. They are a quarter-inch long and can jump 50 times their body length. Use a flea comb to split your cat's fur so you can see her skin to check for fleas. On her skin, look for little dark spots. If the specks move, 

they could be fleas; if they don't, they could be flea filth. Check for flea bites and red, irritated skin and if your cat is scratching, gnawing, or itching her skin. Even if you only observe a few specks, the issue could be severe: A female flea can lay up to 100 eggs.

How to get rid of fleas

Use a flea comb

It is the most efficient way to remove fleas, feces, and eggs from your cat's coat. Daily grooming will allow you to check your coat for flea dirt. It will appear as small salt and pepper particles. Make sure your cat's fur is fully combed without pressing the comb into her coat. The comb's finely spaced teeth trap the fleas while you comb her coat. Flea combing is not an efficient flea treatment approach in and of itself. It is the best way to see if your cat has fleas and clear the fur of flea debris and loosely latched fleas.

Use a bowl with soapy water:

It is a natural flea treatment for cats as well. To rinse the kitty's fur, all you need is a bowl of soapy water. Rinse it while passing the fleas comb through the kitty's fur to remove the fleas. Make sure you do this for at least two weeks. You may only come to a halt once you're sure they've vanished.

Use a bowl with soapy water:

Bath in cool water:

A cold water bath with a shampoo containing natural oils like eucalyptus and lavender would perform wonders for flea-infested cats. This is an organic flea treatment for your cat. You should be aware, however, that most cats dislike water. As a result, the situation could be exceedingly stressful. This technique will allow you to drown the fleas. On the other hand, Fleas would be unable to endure the aroma of the essential oils. As a result, it will assist in keeping them at bay for an extended period.

Cleaning With a Vacuum:

Cleaning With a Vacuum:

Fleas aren't entirely focused on your cat. They thrive in cat litter boxes, carpets, cushion seats, furniture, and even floorboard cracks, where they can dwell and reproduce. You can often remove fleas and flea excrement from surfaces by using the vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner will suck up fleas, pupae, and eggs. 

Keep the cat trees, pet bedding, and windowsills clean. To stop the fleas from returning to your home, remember to empty the vacuum cleaner bag or cup neatly and securely in the outside trash can. Isn't it terrible? A plastic bag would be sufficient.

Use diatomaceous earth to get rid of fleas:

Suppose you've tried natural home cures to eliminate fleas on cats. In that case, it's time to use anti-flea products manufactured in a factory. Think of diatomaceous earth when you want to get rid of fleas in your house. In its ideal state, Diatomaceous earth is one of the natural items available on the market. To stop the fleas from returning to your home, remember to empty the vacuum cleaner bag or cup neatly and securely in the outside trash can.